Amanda Cuesta is a historian, educator and the educational team's supervisor of the occupation Boletim Público, during the exhibition Estou Cá (2016-2017). With his research on the repertoire of art-educators, "Beliefs and Anxieties", "I believe and I yearn" was generated, two devices that shaped the testimonies collected during the exhibition, from two triggering questions:
What are your beliefs when working as an educator (art/educator, museum educator, mediator, guide, etc...)?
What are your anxieties concerning this work?
A recipente of handmade fortune cookies keep the collected beliefs and a set of significant numbers for each author of the testimony, referring to their birthday and beginning of contract. The second, white and green gelatin pills, lead to anxieties. The format of this device was thought from another previous action of the educator and visual artist Milla Pizzi.
I was her collaborator in the production and illustration for two containers and these records. The action was initiated in August-September 2016 and completed in March 2017, in the last week of the team’s contract. Its objective was to investigate the points of contact and propose the meeting for the recognition of the members of the group among themselves, in their motivations and hesitations, 9 months after gathering together.